

* Visit the State Board of Education's website.

* View State Board of Education archive meeting agendas.

* View the most recent State Board of Education's workshop and meeting.


About the State Board of Education

The State Board of Education (SBE) was established in 1984 by the Tennessee General Assembly, and it is the governing and policy-making body for elementary and secondary schools in Tennessee. The SBE is also responsible for educator licensure, so their decisions affect colleges of teacher education and pre-service education students as well.


The Board is composed of nine members appointed by the Governor. Although members of the Board are not elected officials, they are appointed to serve the constituencies of their respective Congressional districts. Each appointment is for a period of five years; however, reappointments are permissible. Statute dictates that one of the nine members, but not more than one, must be a public school teacher at the time of appointment. Currently, Mr. Nick Darnell serves as the public teacher representative to the State Board of Education. The Governor appoints a replacement, and the General Assembly confirms the appointee.


Additionally, a high school student member is appointed annually to represent public school students in Tennessee. Each local board of education may nominate one outstanding junior or senior each year. Local school boards are encouraged to nominate a student who is either a member of the Future Teachers of America (FTA) or who plans to pursue a career in teaching. Currently, the student member seat is vacant.


State Board members are assisted by the State Board Staff which includes Dr. Sara Heyburn Morrison, Executive Director of the State Board and additional research and associate staff members. The SBE staff works in concert with the State Department of Education which implements laws and policies implemented by the General Assembly and the Board.


SBE Meetings

Regularly scheduled quarterly meetings occur in January, April, August and October of each year. Some emergency meetings are handled by teleconferencing, but public notice is required of all SBE meetings. At each of the regularly scheduled meetings, a Thursday workshop precedes the Friday Board meeting. All meetings are open to public and are archived.


The TEA president, members of the TEA State Board Contact Committee and TEA staff attend all regularly scheduled SBE workshops and meetings. Members of the TEA State Board Contact Committee are practitioners who are the main advocates assigned to communicate with SBE members. TEA generated meeting updates are available at the conclusion of each quarterly meeting. TEA members may contact SBE members directly or bring their concerns to the nine TEA contact committee members.


Contact TEA staff liaison, Tommie Leaders, with any questions or information related to the State Board of Education or the TEA State Board of Education Contact Committee.